Yandex, Sbermarket, Samokat, Askona, Ebru Coffee, ChatPlace, Evil Martians, HF Labs, Visualist App, URBI, JTI, ORI, VK
Awwwards SOTD, CSS Design Awards Special Kudos, Mindsparkle Mag SOTD, Sreda Fest 2024 Bronze, Tagline 2024 Silver/Bronze
ORI Scaning (#web)
Art Direction
Young&Yandex (#web)
Art Direction, Design
Nil Foundation (#web #identity)
Art Direction, Design
COMMO (#web)
Art Direction, Design
Yandex Cup 2024 (#web)
Art Direction
Martian Mono (#web)
Art Direction, Design
Brutalism in WEB
AVA Sharaga (2:17:46)
Smart Moodboard
Refodushka (50:24)
Yandex, Sbermarket, Samokat, Askona, Ebru Coffee, ChatPlace, Evil Martians, HF Labs, Visualist App, URBI, JTI, ORI, VK
Awwwards SOTD, CSS Design Awards Special Kudos, Mindsparkle Mag SOTD, Sreda Fest 2024 Bronze, Tagline 2024 Silver/Bronze
ORI Scaning (#web)
Art Direction
Young&Yandex (#web)
Art Direction, Design
Nil Foundation (#web #identity)
Art Direction, Design
COMMO (#web)
Art Direction, Design
Yandex Cup 2024 (#web)
Art Direction
Martian Mono (#web)
Art Direction, Design
Brutalism in WEB
AVA Sharaga (2:17:46)
Smart Moodboard
Refodushka (50:24)
Fig.1 Self-portrait
in mirror
Artëm Hertz (1992) is an Art Director and Designer.
Based in St. Petersburg. He came on board with Redis (2020) as a Design Lead and currently holds the role of Art Director for the web unit.
Artëm founded the Dva—Tri (2024), aimed at offering support in the design sprints format.
Telegram, Cosmos, Instagram
Fig.1 Self-portrait
in mirror
Artëm Hertz (1992) is an Art Director and Designer.
Based in St. Petersburg. He came on board with Redis (2020) as a Design Lead and currently holds the role of Art Director for the web unit.
Artëm founded the Dva—Tri (2024), aimed at offering support in the design sprints format.
Telegram, Cosmos, Instagram
Fig. 1 “Self-portrait
in mirror”
Artëm Hertz (1992) is an Art Director and Designer.
Based in St. Petersburg. He came on board with Redis (2020) as a Design Lead
and currently holds the role of Art Director for the web unit. Artëm founded the
Dva —Tri (2024), aimed at offering support in the design sprints format.
Telegram, Cosmos, Instagram

Это основной контент сайта.

Пример ссылки

Версия блока для экранов меньше 730px

Ссылка внутри блока

Версия блока для экранов 730px и больше

Ссылка внутри блока

Это основной контент сайта, который исчезает и появляется при изменении размера окна.

Пример ссылки